Photo by Nicole Hall
A construction worker welds a pipe for the new heating and cooling system for the SFA campus. The first phase of the construction is occurring outside Steen Library.
Photo by Nicole Hall
Spring is the most colorful time of year on the SFA campus. Terry McDaniel helps maintain the flowers in front of the student center.
In addition to the piping replacement, parking garage construction and redesigning of the campus entrance, the school is also remodeling the chemistry building, which has not been updated for decades.
Part Two - Location Photo Story
Photo by Nicole Hall
This photo was taken shooting downward. The water was almost knee-deep.
Photo by Nicole Hall
This photo was taken about 18 inches from the ground. I set the camera on the ledge of the fountain and took the picture.
Photo by Nicole Hall
This is the photo of me, also taken from a downward angle. The sun was bright, so it was difficult to keep my eyes open for very long.
Photo by Nicole Hall
This should give an idea as to where in the fountain I was standing. Steen Library was to my right.
Photo by Nicole Hall
This was another photo taken about 18 inches from the ground. It is the engraving of the statue's artist. I had never noticed this before I stepped in the fountain.
Photo by Nicole Hall
This was the view I had of Surfin' Steve when I looked up.
Photo by Nicole Hall
This was the view when I pivoted slightly to the left. The education building is behind his boot.
Photo by Nicole Hall
Here is a full shot of my location, the Surfin' Steve statue. I was standing to right of the statue in the water.